Sunday, February 3, 2019

#Sunday #Roundup of #Books #Week #56!!

Welcome to the #SundayRoundup #56!!

Happy Sunday!

On the homefront:
Things are going ok this week. I guess I am in a bit of a funk and can't seem to shake out of it. I cry at every little thing nowadays. I don't know why. I have a hair appointment this week - I have to wash these greys out. I also have a GYN appointment that I am not looking forward to. But, it has been quite a long time since I have gone and I need to go. I also need to get set up for my first mammogram. I haven't done that yet either. I guess this will be the year of taking care of myself.

I didn't broadcast this - I quit smoking the tail end of last year (2018). I had been smoking since I was ummm 16/17 ish. As you know I am getting older (who isn't) and just thought this is it. I NEED to do this. LIKE NOW, and well - DID.  I wanted to leave the bad things behind - like my sister's death and smoking and get a new start in 2019, to just make it better. I also go for surgery in August - I am having the gastric bypass done. Everyone in my family has had it (both of my brothers their wives and my sister and her ex-hubby) - we come from a long line of fatties (no offense) and I just thought it was time for that as well. I am not getting any younger and it's time to get healthier. I know you must think - wouldn't it be easier to lose the weight yourself? God, I wish. I have been struggling with that for years and years and years. I am taking the steps to have the procedure done in August between semesters that way it does not interfere with school in any way. It's just time for me now. 

Things I know:
A moment on the lips really is a freaking lifetime on my hips! 

School Front:
I got an 85 on my first Chemistry exam. Not, super happy about that at all. So, I will have to plug away at this till I get into the 90s. I am not unhappy with it either. Just so you know. I just want to be a bit higher. =)

I was part of a review tour this week for -
A Broken Reality by Rob Kaufman! (Thriller)

Check that out if you get a chance!

Around the Blogosphere:

Some posts I read this week that I thought were cool:

I did do some blog hopping but didn't pick up any links. I am sorry. I was even doing a bit of hopping on Tuesday. =)

 As you know - Each week I take part in 
Stacking My Shelves by Tynga's Reviews &
The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Reviewer!



Won on Goodreads!

Books/Audiobooks I'm Reading:

Audiobooks/Books I finished:

Up for Review Tours Soon:


I am giving away a paperback copy of One Day in December!! US/CAN

Song of the Week:

Leather & Lace!

Please if you know someone who is thinking of Suicide, please get them help. 

Did you get some new goodies this week?


  1. I've got thyroid problems which has been a nightmare for trying to shift the weight. I'm a fellow fatty and I want to lose the weight but the surgery option scares me too much! You're very brave to go for that and I wish you every success!

  2. Mary it's always good to take care of yourself! As you said we aren't getting younger! A bypass is not an easy decision and for having a hubs struggling with his weight too I know that's not so easy to lose weight all by yourself. I have a bad liver (nothing serious just uncomfortable) since I was a kid and can't eat fat. So it helps to stay slim of course. I do a mammograph every year since I am 18 now. I know it's a lot but I often have pain in my breasts and they are difficult to "read" says my obgyn (LOL). It's not pleasant but it gives me peace of mind. I hope your grade will improve even if 85 is pretty impressive to me but I am no specalist of US eductation system. Have a great week with a lighter mood!

  3. Mary, that is great that you are doing all of these things to take care of yourself! It's so important! Great reminders for us all.

  4. I am actually 2 years smoke free, best thing I ever did. Getting the gastric bypass is a choice a lot of people have to make so don't let anyone make you think differently. I have a few friends that have done it because losing weight is hard. Some people can do it and good for them but others the stress just makes it so hard. You are going to feel amazing by the end of this year. Good for you for doing you this year!

    I hope this week is wonderful for you, Mary! Happy Reading!

  5. I finally quite smoking in 1990...and then, a few years later, I developed asthma and COPD. Was that fair? LOL. But...I guess I had already done the damage.

    I did put on some weight after I stopped though...and then took a lot off. And added some again. Sigh.

    I know that age and not enough exercise are to blame, though. So this year, I hope to do better.


  6. Great job on quitting smoking. It sounds like you are going through a lot of changes at the moment.

  7. Well done on quitting smoking and deciding to do what you need to do to take care of you. I hope it all works out.

    PS - I think 85 is pretty good! I mean if it's out of 100... If it was 1000 you'd have some work to do. 😆

  8. That's awesome that you stopped smoking and are taking steps to get healthier. *applause, applause* An 85 is a good start. I am sure you will be back in the 90s soon.

  9. Great that you stopped smoking! I honestly never smoked.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. Well it is great you are taking care of yourself. I never considered smoking as I had asthma until I was about 16. The feeling of not being able to breathe is clear even now, decades later. I find mammograms are no big deal but the GYN thing is less comfortable. Neither is really a problem, other than they take time.

    I hope your school and reading go even better this week!
    Anne - Books of My Heart

  11. I come from a long line of fatties, too. My weight tends to change a lot depending on how depressed I am. Congrats on quitting smoking and scheduling the surgery. I hope it works for you.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  12. Congrats on quitting smoking! Go you :)

    I love that cover of Blessed! So awesome and creepy at the same time!

  13. Congrats on quitting smoking. I quit almost 4 years ago and sure feel better. I think doing what you feel is best for you to become healthier and happy is great. You know yourself more than anyone else does. I was looking at your books and we have a bunch of the same ones! Happy reading and have a good week.

    My Sunday Post

  14. Congratulations on quitting smoking! It sounds like a wonderful outlook for 2019! Good luck with the gastric bypass. There do seem to be those people who get so judge-y over everything and it's never made sense to me. 85 sounds pretty good to me! Chemistry was definitely not my strongest class in college. Have a great week!

  15. That's wonderful that you're taking so many steps to take care of yourself. And thanks for the reminder that I need to schedule my mammogram as well. :)

  16. Congrats on quitting smoking! That is something to be really proud of because it is so hard! I hope the surgery goes well for you in August. Your test score is nothing to be unhappy with but I am sure you will be able to pull your grade even higher. Have a great week!


Thank you so much for stopping in! I hope your find some books to stack your shelf with! =)
Please leave a comment - I love them!


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