Title: One S'more Summer
Author: Beth Merlin
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Contemporary
Length: 294 pages
Series: Campfire Series Book 1
Book Description:
For twenty long years, Gigi Goldstein has been pining away for her best friend’s guy. She knows it’s wrong and it has to stop, but she hasn’t been able to let go ever since they all met on the bus to summer camp back when they were seven years old. The same week that her best friends finally announce their wedding date, Gigi loses her high-profile design job. With all of her dreams unravelling, she runs to the last place she remembers being happy.
Taking the Head Counselor position at Camp Chinooka, Gigi hopes to reclaim the joy she felt as a camper, but the job isn’t all campfire songs and toasting marshmallows. Gigi’s girls are determined to make her look bad in front of the boys’ Head Counselor—the sexy but infuriating Perry—and every scrap of the campground is laced with memories.
When Gigi finally realizes she can’t escape the present by returning to her past, she’s forced to reexamine her life and find the true meaning of love. But will she be able to mend fences and forgive herself before she loses her one real shot at happiness?
If you love Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin, you'll love this heartwarming debut from a fresh voice in contemporary chick-lit that offers a lighthearted and fun take on friendship, love, and how to recover from past mistakes.
The Campfire Series
1. One S’more Summer
2. S'more to Lose
3. Love You S'more - Coming September 2018!
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Happy Reading!
This sounds so good and I was happy to see it's still free for Kindle. I grabbed it. Thanks for posting this.