Monday, July 8, 2019

#Mystery #Monday - A Misty Morning Murder by Loulou Harrington!! #Free on #Amazon!! #LATE #cozy #kindle #suspense #books #freebie #booklovers

Title: A Misty Morning Murder
Author: Loulou Harrington
Genre: Mystery, Cozy, Suspense
Length: 202 pages
Series: Myrtle Grove Garden Club Book 4

Book Description:

Just as Jesse Camden is ready to shake herself out of her romantic rut and take a giant step forward with Sheriff Joe Tyler, a dead ex-fiance reaches out to yank her two steps back.

Misty Bennett, a seventeen-year-old daughter of Jesse’s former beau Ronald Bennett, is the closest thing to a daughter of her own that Jesse has ever had. So when Misty flees from her father’s overbearing bride-to-be and travels across two states to arrive on Jesse’s doorstep, Jesse takes
the girl in. And when the fiancĂ©e herself shows up demanding the girl’s return, Jesse sends the woman packing and vows to keep Misty safe until her father comes for her.

But when Ronnie Bennett’s body is found just miles from Myrtle Grove, Jesse is left to unravel the mystery of his murder and help gather the shattered pieces of his daughter’s life.

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

More in series:

Happy Reading!


  1. I haven't heard of this series before but it looks good! I'm always looking for more mystery authors!

  2. I love a good mystery and this sounds like a good one.


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