Saturday, March 9, 2019

#Super #Saturday #BoxSet - The Heros of Medieval Wales!! #Free on #Amazon!! #kindle #historical #romance #books #bookworms #booknerds #freebie

Title: Heros of Medieval Wales
Author: Sarah Woodbury
Genre: Historical, Romance, Time Travel
Length: 490 pages

Book Description:

Time travel, mystery, romance... journey to a world of knights and castles with these first-in-series historical romances!

Daughter of TimeTime travel to medieval Wales ... A medieval man with an uncertain destiny, Llywelyn, the Prince of Wales, faces treachery and deceit at the hands of friends and foes alike ...

A modern woman with a troubled past, Meg's life is in tatters when she slips through time and into medieval Wales ...

Only by working together can Meg and Llywelyn navigate the shifting allegiances that threaten the very existence of Wales--and create their own history that defies the laws of time.

The Good Knight: Join Gareth & Gwen in their first mystery together ...

Five years after Gareth walked away from Gwen in disgrace, she encounters him in the aftermath of an ambush, standing over the body of a murdered king. Although it isn't exactly the reunion Gwen had dreamed of, she and Gareth join forces against the treachery and intrigue rife within the court of Gwynedd.

And once blame for the murder falls on Gareth himself, Gwen must continue her search for the truth alone, finding unlikely allies in foreign lands, and ultimately uncovering a conspiracy that will shake the foundations of Wales. 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

Happy Reading!


  1. Indeed a lovely historical romance to read on this fine Saturday


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