Tuesday, January 1, 2019

#HappyNewYear 2019 #Giveaway #Hop!! #2019Hop

Thank you Chatty Patty's Place & Review Wire Media for Hosting this hop!

Welcome to Stacking My Book Shelves!

Happy 2019!

I hope your holidays were fabulous!

Now it's time to get back into the swing of things it's back to work and school and all our fabulous life stuff. So this is a wonderful time for a giveaway! 

Happy New Year!
Enter to win a $20 eGift Card to Amazon to ring in the new year!


  1. It sounds basic but every Thanksgiving and Christmas I made artichoke dip. It's become expected by family over the years and I think my brother-in-law in particular would revolt if it wasn't there. LOL Thanks for the giveaway, Mary!

  2. I always make a baked pasta with mushrooms and bell peppers.

  3. I don't really have any fun holiday stories since I didn't travel this year. Happy New Year!

  4. I didn't do anything for the holidays. I never do.

  5. I watched my nephew get super excited about getting a signed jersey for Christmas this year!

    1. Always fun watching younger relatives get special gifts

  6. I got to see my young nieces again at Christmas! My 2 year old niece accidentally crossed a barrier at one of the stores we went to and set off the alarm!

  7. Had a great feast with family and a good time performing music.

  8. No fun stories or recipes this year. I put my back out just a few days before christmas and ended up on bedrest with ice and follow up with physical therapy. I missed most of my daughter's visit and didn't get to make so much as a single cookie! Now that I think about it though my family did giggle at me a lot while I was on a mix of painkillers and muscle relaxers lol. So there's the fun part :P

  9. "Any fun holiday stories to share? Recipes?" Fun fact: another year has passed and people with integrity and ability will someday be working to make the world a better place.

  10. Well, you already know how I showed up at the airport and my daughter was still in Chicago, as I mixed up the whole AM/PM things.

  11. Nothing to share except to wish you a Happy New Year!

  12. We spent a few hours of Christmas at my kids grandma's house and the food was amazing,

  13. We made a really great from scratch cranberry sauce this year.

  14. I tried a new roasted cauliflower with tahini sauce recipe this year.

  15. After our Thanksgiving turkey, I now have enough turkey broth for the next 6 months!

  16. I love making peppermint candy cane shaped cookies at Christmas.

  17. We made more eggnog ingredient recipes this year than in past years. We send off a package to my husband's aunt with all sorts of goodies we bake.

  18. Our family had a wonderful Christmas together, and our New Year was nice and quite, just the way we like it to be.

  19. I had bought alot of toys for my great niece and great nephew, before Christmas. I gave them the toys, told them these were for Christmas, and I wouldn't be buying them anything else until after Christmas. Well now it's "after Christmas" so they are asking for toys again!! hahahaha Can't blame them, they did what I told them!! LOL

  20. We had a great holiday and wish everyone a Happy New Year.

  21. I enjoyed spending time with friends over the New Year's Eve party.

  22. Discovered an amazingly easy, new fudge recipe this year. Intend to keep using for years to come:
    1/4 c. butter
    3 c. choc. chips (or any flavour depending on your taste in fudge)
    1 can condensed milk
    Melt chips & butter in double boiler, add condensed milk, add c. pecans if desired. Chill in 9X9 pan overnight.
    Best I've tried in a long time and was a hit over Christmas with the family. abrennan09@hotmail.com

  23. My niece got so excited opening up her presents. She was so cute, hopping around like a bunny.

  24. I made my traditional New Years dinner.... pork loin roast, black eyed peas and collard greens with cornbread. YUM! I am excited for 2019 :)

  25. I made pecan bars (not pecan pie) and my sister loves them. I can't give you the recipe because it's my father-in-law's family secret. Sorry!

  26. I made bacon wrapped water chestnuts to take to my family's Christmas. I've been making them for over 20 years, it's a family joke that if I don't bring them I'm not welcome. :)

  27. Nothing to share except Happy New Year! :)

  28. I don't have any stories to tell, but I wish you a Happy New Year!

  29. I like to bake up a nice spicey apple cake. Sure beats fruitcake!

  30. Apple pie and sugar cookies during the holidays are a must! Happy Holidays!

  31. I got a new phone for Christmas which is fun to me!

  32. My hubby gifted me with a lovely new phone for Christmas and I am just thrilled to bits with it!

  33. Our family loves to play bingo after our Thanksgiving meal. We have prizes and the bingo winner can take a new prize or take someone elses!

  34. We love doing crafts during the holiday season, with nine grandchildren believe me , I can come up with something LOLL..

  35. Nothing exciting happened during the holidays, which was really nice. We're usually traveling, but this year we stayed home!

  36. We had a quite holiday. My husband and I put in wood flooring in our house as our present to each other.

  37. My husband got sick the week before Christmas and was outta work for ten days, he is all better now, but it was nice to have some one on one time with each other

  38. We had fun karaoke moments with relatives.

  39. I had 2 Christmas dinners and didn't have to cook.
    Thanks for the contest.

  40. This year was quietly spent with my husband. He's the director of music for a local church so we were very busy until Christmas. Thank you for the giveaway!

  41. i made pistachio fluff for the first time this year. was amazing

  42. nope worst christmas ever

  43. Nothing to share, but have a great year!

  44. Nothing special to share but we did have a great holiday with the family and a dinner with all the standby favorites.

  45. Had a great Christmas! My sister and I bought each other the same gift lol Great minds and all that!

  46. My mom makes a fantastic chicken noodle soup.

  47. Dont really have any stories to share just that my kids had a good time which was my goal. Have a happy new year.

  48. I make gingerbread cookies with all my granddaughters every Christmas.

  49. the holidays went to fast and were pretty uneventful this year. I did get a ton of books so i am excited about that

  50. I made enough cookies to feed an army and shared them with everyone.


Thank you so much for stopping in! I hope your find some books to stack your shelf with! =)
Please leave a comment - I love them!


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