Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Work Hard, Play Hard #Giveaway #Hop!! #EntertoWin a $20 #Amazon #Giftcard!! #win #sweeps

Welcome to the Work Hard, Play Hard Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!
Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!

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Welcome to Stacking My Book Shelves! 

Where I blog about booksfree booksbook spotlightsreviews and LOTS of giveaways! There is always something going on here on the blog! I hope this April you are staying out of the rain and starting your spring gardening! It's finally time to shake off winter and get ready for the sun and some fun! I am offering one of you a eGift Card to Amazon as a prize for hopping over here and entering the form below. Good Luck and let's hope April showers do bring on those May flowers!

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  1. Hmm hardest job.. probably looking after a bunch of kids.. getting them to learn english! Also that's tied with reciting a 20 minute speech, and studying for finals

  2. The hardest job I ever had was being a mom.

  3. The hardest job was raising my children.

  4. Raising my kids on my own, and helping my daughter with my grandchildren has been my hardest job, but as far as paid jobs go, laying tile was the hardest job that I've had. I had to give it up because it got to my knees.

  5. ID say raising teen girls!! So emotional!

  6. Being a mom is the hardest, yet most rewarding, job I've had to do!

  7. Besides parenting...the hardest job I ever did was teaching middle schoolers.
    Mary Beth Elderton

  8. Being a single dad raising my 5 kids can be pretty tough.

  9. being a mom is by far my hardest job and my most rewarding

  10. The hardest job I have ever done was being a graduate student and finishing PT school.

  11. The hardest job I ever had was being a mom.

  12. The hardest job I ever had was being a mother.

  13. The hardest job Ive had so far was pizza delivery. I got lost all the time!

  14. taking care of loved one in their last few months

  15. For me it was the summer I was a waitress in a college town right after high school. My feet have never forgiven me.

  16. My hardest job is being a parent.

  17. Telling my kiddos their aunt passed away. This Saturday will be one year since she passed...
    Amanda Stovall

  18. The hardest job I ever had to do was help clean up a house after a fire.

  19. My very difficult pregnancy with my boys and getting them to my third trimester while trying to care for my girls at the same time while on bed rest was the hardest job I ever had to do.

  20. Getting my bachelor's degree would be a biggie for me.

  21. I once sold grave stones and that was very emotional.

  22. The hardest job I ever had to do was working in the vineyards – super early mornings and back breaking labor!

  23. Being a Mom. 24/7 365 for a minimum of 18 years with no pay. 😅😂😂

  24. My hardest job is working with developmentally challenged children

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  25. Raising children while working was challenging.

  26. David HollingsworthApril 22, 2018 at 2:56 PM

    Trying to be a decent son.

  27. giving my son up for adoption

  28. Motherhood was the hardest job! And the most satisfying!

  29. Being the caregiver for my sister mother and father as they died from cancer was the hardest job I've ever done. Rosanne

  30. Surviving 3 comas as a kid, bounced back though!

  31. Taking care of the children when they were smaller, but it got easier as I learned how!!!!

  32. When I worked as an "in House" Patient Transporter ( Portland ME Hospital), one of my duties included taking bodies to the morgue- I was fine with that until a 6 month old child died from heart failure. Hardest hour of my career.

  33. The hardest job I've ever done was being a cottage parent at a Girl's Home. It was also the most rewarding job I've ever had.

  34. Being a mom is the hardest job ever!

  35. Cleaning out my dad's apartment after he died was the hardest job I've ever done.

  36. Being a parent is the hardest thing I have ever done. It is also the most important and most rewarding.

  37. The hardest job I've ever had to do is helping my friend through cancer.

  38. I also left a comment on (accidedntly messed up link to confirm in contest link up top)

  39. I want to be the mom my mother was to me one day. If I could only be half as selfless as her Id be awesome!

  40. Of course, being a mom is the hardest job but being a teacher is a close second.

  41. Hardest job (and most rewarding) is being a mom!

  42. I was a server at a restaurant.

  43. I would say working with a landscape company.

  44. The hardest job I’ve ever had was working at a warehouse lifting heavy totes and being on my feet most of the day.

  45. I have to agree with many other being a Mom has to be the hardest job I know

  46. My daughter was colicky 18of24 hours out of each day until she was just over a year old. on top of that, she was a sickly little thing and was in and out of the hospital for multiple issues including the severe colic. Being a mom is the hardest job I've ever had to do and if my husband and I can get through that...we can get through anything.

  47. The hardest job for me was teaching high school

  48. Raise my son as a single mom while working full time at night as an RN. I barely got to sleep at all since he slept all night for his nanny.

  49. The hardest job was working the temp job. The supervisor hated temps and made us work every weekend and holiday. I missed out on spending holidays with our daughter when she was growing up.

  50. Being a parent of four is the toughest, yet most beautiful job ever.

  51. I would say earning my degree at night while maintaining a full time job.

  52. "What's the hardest job you have ever had to do?" I had a summer job working on farmland.

  53. I worked at a Greenhouse. Believe me, it ain't always Roses & Sunshine! :)

  54. Digging a pole deep enough to be under the freeze table of 42 inches deep only 1 foot in diameter was not easy.

  55. The hardest job that I've had is being a parent.


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