Saturday, June 15, 2019

#BookTour #Excerpt & $25 #Giveaway for The Coven Series by Drako!! @drakosden #Paranormal @SDSXXTours #Fantasy #LGBT

Bewitched Souls
The Coven Book 1

Genre: LGBT Paranormal Fantasy

The Coven is a special group of witches given charge of the manor on
Genum Island, and Talis is considered the head and strongest of it.
Joined by his sister, Teryn, and her husband, Cian, they protect
their magic based home from the forces of darkness who seek the
mysterious power of their home. It's all routine, until Talis' old
crush shows up with a strong desire to take the head witch for himself.

Dion has come to terms with what he wants, and that's Talis. He has a lot
to make up for, but with him comes trouble. Hot on his tail is his
ex-girlfriend, and with her is a demon who has a craving for souls
and a rise to her former glory.

The Coven has no choice but to stand against the greatest threat they've
ever faced. How far will they go to save a soul?

The Coven Book 2 

The life of a witch is ever changing. After the greatest test the Coven
has ever faced, Talis and Dion settle in happily married life. But
Talis is the head of the Coven, and his life will never be simple. He
has responsibilities far above and beyond what he had anticipated and
ever increasing powers to master. With all this, there is the
certainty that darkness never sleeps, and now comes a true test of
more than just ability, but the strength of his will.As Teryn and
Cian prepare to welcome a new addition to the family, Talis and
Dion's work just begins as insecurity and outside forces come
together to threaten their marriage. Beneath it all is a sinister
force older and more powerful than any ever known, threatening not
only to tear them all apart but the world as they know it.

Teryn and Cian actually walked into the kitchen at the same time as Talis and Dion.

“So, did anyone actually cook today?” Talis asked.

“Sleep sounded like a better idea,” Teryn replied.

“So, we’re making sandwiches then?” Dion asked.

Cian went to the refrigerator and peered inside. “We’ve got leftover baked chicken. Sounds like a plan.”

Companionable silence descended as they worked together to fix their easy meal. They stood around the kitchen island to fix their sandwiches and to eat.

“So, this is cozy,” Teryn ventured.

“It’s weird,” Talis muttered.

“Normal is overrated, remember?” Cian reminded him of his own casual saying.

“Ok, true, but it’s weird knowing we were all doing the same thing and had the same idea after,” Talis replied.

“Pretty sure there were some differences,” Dion added.

“Sex, shower, deep emotional conversation we wouldn’t normally have, then feed,” Teryn listed.

“Ok, that’s beyond weird. It’s creepy,” Dion told her.

“But it explains so much.” Talis smirked at his sister. “My loving sister is already getting mood swings, and she had an emotional moment that I picked up on to have my own.”

Teryn flipped him off and Cian laughed.

“Someone fill me in,” Dion requested. “I’ve clearly missed something.”

“Teryn’s pregnant,” Talis said simply.

“Gods I hate men,” Teryn griped before taking an aggressive bite out of her sandwich.

Drako was born in 1987 in St. Louis, Missouri. He is mainly a fantasy
writer, though he also writes some poetry and general fiction. He is
very active on both twitter and facebook and has his own website at which is frequently updated with news on his books
and fun extras. When he isn't writing, he's busy helping take care of
his nieces, playing videogames, reading, promoting, and spending time with family.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts, and a giveaway!


  1. I really love the cover of this one and it's title! The cover alone draws me in but information on this seems so very interesting! Love that the author sometimes writes poetry, too. starla.batesA

  2. This is my kind of book and sounds like an awesome read. Cool cover!

  3. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    The book looks like an interesting read!

  4. This sounds really interesting :)

  5. Oh this sounds like a great story. I love all things magical!

  6. Interesting cover, but not a book I would read.

  7. I think the cover draws you in and I like the one name.


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