Wednesday, May 8, 2019

#ReleaseDay #Celebration #Excerpt & #Giveaway for Legend by Nicole Conway!! @ANConway #YA @chapterxchapter #Fantasy @Month9Books #bookblitz #bookworms #WIN

Welcome to the Release Day Celebration for

Legend by Nicole Conway

presented by Month9Books!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!


In a war of gods and tyrants, the will of the dragonrider must never falter.
Captured and tortured by the brutal tyrant, Argonox, Reigh’s worst fears have now been realized. Argonox has successfully twisted his mysterious dark power for a truly evil purpose—reanimating the long-deceased legendary dragonrider, Beckah Derrick, and her monstrous king drake.
But Argonox’s cruelty won’t end there, and Reigh fears the worst is yet to come. Rescue is unlikely as the Tibrans prepare to make their final strike, poised to break Maldobar’s ranks of proud dragonriders once and for all.
With many of its cities already captured by the Tibran Empire, all hope now rests with Jaevid, Princess Jenna, Phillip, and their mismatched band of dragonrider allies to lead the last stand and save their kingdom.
Even in such frightful times, Jaevid may find he still has a few old friends ready to take up their weapons and stand at his side again. But facing down Beckah is perhaps the one thing that might break Jaevid’s resolve. Can he really strike down the woman he used to love in order to save the kingdom?
One final battle will decide the fate of our heroes. Can the strength dragonrider prevail once again? Or will the Tibran Empire become Maldobar’s new legacy?
“Bravery is not an immunity to fear—it is rising up to meet it with the hope that nothing is impossible.” — Sile Derrick, FLEDGLING

Legend (Dragonrider Legacy 3)
by Nicole Conway
Publication Date: May 7, 2019
Publisher: Month9Books


Phillip grasped my jaw, turning my face and pressing

his lips against mine. I sucked in a sharp breath through my

nose. For a moment, my world stood still. Everything was

quiet. The war was a distant annoyance. Nothing but the

smooth, strong mouth moving against mine mattered at all.

Then he pulled away. My tranquility shattered. As I stood

staring up at him, the evening sun made those tiny flecks

on his soot-colored skin shine like scattered diamonds. The

switchbeast venom had changed so much about him—but

the way he looked at me, as though he were seeing the sunrise

for the very first time, hadn’t changed in the slightest. He

still touched me like I was something fragile and stared at

me with admiration and awe ebbing from every corner of

his face.

“If it’s not too much trouble, try and persuade those

soldiers guarding the ramparts not to shoot the cat demon

scaling their wall, would you?” He was still teasing as he

combed his fingers through my hair, tucking a few stray locks

behind my ear.

“I’ll try.” My voice broke, and I swallowed hard.

“I love you, Jenna.”

“Don’t,” I warned. “Don’t say that now.”

“Why not?”

I turned my face into his hand, kissing his palm before I

pushed it away. “Because it feels like goodbye, and this is not


He laughed. “Very well. I find your presence easy to

tolerate, Jenna. Perhaps even somewhat enjoyable. How’s

that? Better?”

Despite my best efforts, a smile broke over my lips. “That

will do, Phillip.”


NICOLE CONWAY is an author from North Alabama. She graduated from Auburn University in 2012, and has previously worked as a graphic artist. She is happily married with one son.


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