Sunday, April 28, 2019

#Sweet #Sunday #Romance - Knee Deep In Love by Vivian Porter!! #Free on #Amazon!! #kindle #freebie #Contemporary #books #bookworms

Title: Knee Deep In Love
Author: Vivian Porter
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Adventure
Length: 188 pages
Series: All Roads Lead to Love

Book Description:

I’m a man who’s eager to see the world. 

A new job offer opens up in Utah of all places, and I decide to welcome the opportunity with open arms. Why not? I’ve got nothing left to lose and everything to gain.

A beautiful new state with a breathtaking view, but I can only see one thing in the place I now call home… Candice. 

She’s spent her entire life here, and she’s stuck in a rut. A bad one. 

The only thing that seems to keep her getting out of the bed in the morning is her little girl. Being a single mother has to be beyond tough, but her daughter Sarah makes it easy. 

Something about her makes my heart swell. No, not something. Everything. 

She might have grown up in the cold icy winter of the northwest, but I want so badly to show her the beauty of what’s right in front of her face. A chance at a love affair like she couldn’t imagine or read about. 

Why? Because she stole my heart on my long road back to love.

This is a stand-alone story in a series of stories based on travel and romance. Enjoy! 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

More in series:

Happy Reading!


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