Monday, April 1, 2019

#Mystery #Monday - Murder Under a Mystic Moon by Yasmine Galenorn!! #Free on #Amazon!! #kindle #cozy #books #suspense #booklovers #mysterylovers

Title: Murder Under a Mystic Moon
Author: Yasmine Galenorn
Genre: Mystery, Cozy, Suspense
Length: 292 pages
Series: Chintz 'n China Book 1

Book Description:

With her teenaged daughter's birthday on the horizon and the town's autumn festival in full swing, Emerald has her hands full with party preparations and teashop specials. But a request from her friend Jimbo has her using her abilities to look into the disappearance of his friend. In the woods surrounding the Klickavail Valley enclave, Emerald
senses strange energy manifesting itself-before literally stumbling across the body of Jimbo's friend. While the police are willing to blame the death on a cougar attack, Emerald knows there's something else wandering the forest-something that resembles the Klakatat monster of legend, but may actually be a monster of a more human kind.

Get it on Amazon
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Happy Reading!


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