Title: It Began with a Lie
Author: Michele Pariza Wacek
Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Romance
Length: 363 pages
Series: Secrets of Redemption Book 1
Book Description:
A fresh start. That was what Becca hoped the move from New York to Redemption, Wisconsin would be for her troubled family. A way to get her crumbling marriage back on track, and to bond with her difficult 16-year-old stepdaughter.
But instead of a new beginning, Becca is thrust into a mysterious past she barely remembers. A past that includes the complications of interacting with her old teenage crush, Daniel, as well as living in her aunt's old house (what the locals call "The Witch House.")
But is the house really haunted? Or is there something far more sinister out to destroy them?
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Simple yet spooky theme