Tuesday, January 15, 2019

#Teen #Tuesday - Sing To Me by Jeff Rivera!! #Free on #Amazon!! #YA #SocialIssues #books #kindle #freebie #booklovers

Title: Sing To Me
Author: Jeff Rivera
Genre: YA, Social Issues, Death
Length: 271 pages

Book Description:

Emma's mother warns her never to fall in love with a bad boy. After being kicked out of her ex-boyfriend's house in the middle of the night, she's got no other place to go.

Then, she meets Cody, an aspiring rock star. He's brooding and wild with a hot temper. But he's also kind, insanely handsome, and has a heart of gold even if he doesn't realize it. 

Cody may be damaged with a secret dark past he won't discuss, but he also makes Emma laugh when she wants to cry. He loves her when she feels unlovable and defends her when her world falls apart. 

They say they'll never last, but they don't know Cody and Emma.

SING TO ME will make you cry, laugh, and stand up and cheer. It's heartbreaking, inspirational and deeply and truly romantic. 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

Happy Reading!


  1. Love the sound of this one! I read so little YA anymore but the synopsis of this one definitely catches my eye. And that cover is gorgeous!

  2. I like books that hit home like this, everyone has to deal with death. I think it's important to have these themes in books

  3. Well for starters most girls always fall for a "bad boy" once in their lifetime. People react to death in many ways maybe not how you would.


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