Truck Stop
Allie McCormack
Publication date: December 11th 2018 (audio)
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Teri Campbell is on the run, on a bus ride to nowhere. An unscheduled stop on the wind-blown plains of Wyoming leaves her at M&J’s Truck Stop… and in the arms of Mike Gallagher, the young trucker who appoints himself her protector, who understands her as no one else could. But will her new life and her new-found love be enough when events take an unexpected turn? …and can even Mike keep her safe from the past that threatens to reclaim her?
Since they arrived after the dinner hour on a weeknight, Mike hadn't expected to have any trouble getting quick service, but he wasn't quite prepared for their reception at the restaurant. They had scarcely walked through the front door when there was an exclamation from behind the counter.
“Ohmigosh, look at the brand-new baby!”
Suddenly they were descended on by what seemed like hordes but was, in reality, three or four waitresses.
“Oh, is it a girl?”
“Of course it's a girl, silly, just look at the cute bow!”
“Oh, I want her at my table.”
“No way, you've got your own at home. I get the baby.”
He loved the way Teri's eyes widened in astonishment as more women joined them, oohing and aahing. They wound up following a pretty young blonde waitress to a table while the argument continued to rage, now sotto voice, behind them. The bickering eased as they came to cluster around their table once he'd gotten Amanda set up in her carry seat.
“How old is she? Just a week?”
“She is just so precious!”
“And look at all that hair! Mine was bald as a billiard ball for six months.”
Mike sat back and watched in enjoyment as Teri responded, at first shyly but then with more confidence as the friendly interrogation continued. The baby's name was Amanda. She was five days old. Almost seven pounds. And yes, she was nursing. This brought a fresh flurry of comments.
“Good for you,” an older woman told her. “I raised five young'uns that way, each of 'em healthier than the next.”
“You're so lucky. I'd planned to nurse, but my baby was allergic and had to be switched to soy,” said another with a moue of regret.
Mike felt Teri's hand creep into his and squeeze fiercely, and he was careful not to meet her eyes, for fear both of them would break into laughter. He could not believe that he was sitting here, in a public restaurant, of all places surrounded by women who were complete strangers, discussing breastfeeding!
Turning aside to hide the smile that lurked, through the front window he caught sight of a green sedan, a two-door Ford, passing by, and all amusement fled. After a swift glance towards the street, he nudged closer to Teri.
“Listen, sweetheart, order me a steak, will you? I want to run over to the motel office and pick up a map for tomorrow.”
Author Bio:
A career medical transcriptionist, Allie McCormack is now writing from home full-time. Allie has traveled quite a bit and lived many places all over the U.S., and also a year in Cairo, Egypt as an exchange student, and a year in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under contract to a hospital there, plus a short stint with NATO while she was in the Army. As a single mom, she raised a wonderful daughter who's recently married and there are plans afoot for grandchildren. A disabled veteran, Allie now lives in the beautiful Sorona Desert in southern Arizona with her two rescue cats and writes full-time.
Allie says: "A writer is who and what I am... a romance writer. I write what I know, and what I know is romance. Dozens of story lines and literally hundreds of characters live and breathe within the not-so-narrow confines of my imagination, and it is my joy and privilege to bring them to life, to share them with others by writing their stories."
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