Friday, November 9, 2018

Just Pretending by Leah & Kate Rooper #BookTour #GuestPost & $15 #Giveaway!! @thekateskers #YA #Romance @EntangledTeen @chapterxchapter #booklovers #WIN

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Just Pretending (The Chicago Falcons #3) by Leah and Kate Rooper
Publication Date:  November 5, 2018
Publisher:  Entangled Teen Crush

It's not easy being royal. Sixteen-year-old Evangeline wears her crown proudly, but between her duties and her overprotective big brother, the idea of romance is just a dream. But a chance encounter in Chicago changes all that….

Sure, seventeen-year-old Tyler Evans loves playing hockey, but he's more concerned about providing for his dad and little sister. Then he meets Eva--and falls head-over-heels in love—and he has two more problems. One, she's his best friend's little sister. Two, she wears a crown.

But then Eva accidentally mistakes Tyler for a visiting prince, and for the first time, Tyler doesn't feel like a nobody. He knows he has to tell her the truth…but not yet.

His plan? To keep up the royal charade as long as it takes to convince Eva he’s the guy for her. Even if he’s lying to everyone…including himself.

Disclaimer: May cause disillusionment. Those girls looking to find their Prince Charming might consider scouting out hockey rinks.


If I Knew Then What I Know Now About Writing

One thing we’ve learned from writing over the years is how important it is to find a process that works for you and your writing style. We’ve written ten books in the last ten years, and it took us that long to really nail down our process.

For us, we have learned to have a very detailed outline for the novel saves us tons of headaches in the revision stage! We used to write our novels without a clear plan – but that meant editing would take forever, because we had to completely redo large chunks of the book.

Now, when we have an idea for a story, we spend as much time as we can brainstorming and daydreaming about it, without writing a single word. Then, when we have a good feel for the shape of the story, we’ll go for several long walks where we talk through the whole plot from beginning to end. This is usually where we hit any plot snags and are able to solve them before we’ve even touched our keyboards. After that, it’s finally time to hit the computer! We sit down together and write out the whole book in bullet points. We map out each character’s arch, making sure they each hit the beats of a hero’s story. Depending on what kind of book we’re writing, our bullet points for each scene may be short or they may be a page long.

From there, we divvy up which characters or scenes we’ll each do the rough draft for and then it’s off to the races!

As duo-writers, it’s really important for us to have a joint plan so our writing feels cohesive and our plot runs together smoothly. Learning this process was mostly trial and error, but it’s definitely made editing easier in the long run!

Overall, we wish we had learned this skill earlier as it would have saved us a lot of time fixing sticky plot holes, but we’re thankful to have it nailed down now!

But who knows? Like any art, writing can be fickle, so we might need to find a new process in a year or two :)


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Leah and Kate Rooper are sisters from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Growing up beside the Pacific Ocean and inside a temperate rainforest fed their sense of adventure as children, and nourished a curiosity for strange and distant lands. They fed this curiosity with books - lots and lots of books. After experiencing the magic of Middle-earth, they began creating their own worlds. When they're not writing, Leah and Kate spend their time blogging and vlogging about their travel adventures and their writing journey.

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Here is the giveaway info:

·         One (1) winner will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card (INT)


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