Thursday, October 11, 2018

#Thriller #Thursday - Next Exit, Three Miles by CW Browning!! #Free on #Amazon!! #books #Suspense #freebie #booklovers #kindle

Title: Next Exit, Three Miles
Author: CW Browning
Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
Length: 326 pages
Series: Exit Series Book 1

Book Description:

Alina Maschik was one of the best. She never missed. Yet, two years ago in Cairo, she missed her shot at one of the world’s most wanted terrorists. Now, he’s back. This time, he’s on US soil.

Given the opportunity to redeem herself, Alina’s objective is simple: find the terrorist and complete her mission. But when the target leads her back to her hometown in New Jersey, the situation is anything but simple. Confronted with old girlfriends, her ex-fiancé and the Jersey mob, Alina must face
her past as she races against an invisible clock.

But as bodies start to pile up, a cunning and invisible assassin threatens to destroy everything she holds close. Accustomed to working alone, Alina must now rely on old loyalties and new partnerships to help her defeat this new threat, and save the lives of thousands of Americans, without failing a second time. 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

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Happy Reading!


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