Monday, October 8, 2018

#Mystery #Monday - Ghostly Apparitions by Aubrey Harper!! #Free on #Amazon!! #kindle #cozy #books #booklovers #freebie

Title: Ghostly Apparitions
Author: Aubrey Harper
Genre: Mystery, Cozy, Suspense
Length: 250 pages
Series: Ghost Hunter P.I. Book 1

Book Description:

Ghost hunter extraordinaire Meredith Good is not feeling all that great these days. She's broke and the only possession she has in the world is her crappy car that barely runs anymore. So she decides to move back to her hometown: Silver Bells Cove, Ohio. It's not ideal, but it'll do, for now anyway. She's glad to see her grandmother and she's more than happy to indulge in her grandmother's delicious pastries. When she runs into her ex, who happens to be a cop now, things get a bit more complicated. Oh, there's also a dead body by the lake and the ghost belonging to that body wants nothing more than for his murder to be solved.

Things get interesting when Meredith finds out that the victim was working on projects around the small town, trying to modernize the quaint town with tourist-ready hotels and chain stores. A sexy PI, a greedy billionaire and some not-so-happy locals could all be prime suspects in the murder, and it's up to Meredith to get to the truth of the matter. With a little help from her best friend Rebecca (who just happens to be a ghost), Meredith is sure to get herself into all kinds of trouble. All she has to do is make sure she doesn't become a ghost herself in the process! 

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Happy Reading!


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