Monday, September 3, 2018

My #Blog's Name In #Book Tags!! #BookTag

I saw this post over at Chuckles Book Cave and wanted to play along!

-spell out your blog's name
-find a book from your tbr for each letter
-use your tbr and don't buy new books to complete the tag! 

S - Saving Private Ryan by Jacqueline Kehl
T - The Selection by Kiera Cass
A - Animal Farm by Geroge Orwell
C - Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
K - Kiss the Girls by James Patterson
I - Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
N - Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
G - Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

M - My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand

Y - You Belong To Me by Mary Higgins Clark

B - Bait by J. Kent Messum

O - Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
O - Outpost by Ann Aguirre
K - Kiss of Frost by Jennifer Estep

S - Scythe by Neal Shusterman

H - Hybrids by Whitley Strieber
E - Enclave by Ann Aguirre
L - Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz
V - Velocity by Dean Koontz
E - Eragon by Christopher Paolini
S - Sea Witch by Sarah Henning

I have over 19K books that I want to read. That is a lifelong goal of great books. I know I might not get to every one of them, that doesn't mean I don't want to read them. I will keep trying to get as many read as I can and add more as I go. 

So, that is my blogs name in book tags! All links take you to Goodreads so you can check out the book for yourself! =)

What are you reading?


  1. I can't wait to read Sea Witch! I hope you enjoy all these books, good luck!

    1. I am so sorry I didn't pre-order it. Ugghh could kick myself! =)

  2. I just finished Scythe by Neal Shusterman, love it

  3. What a fun tag. I'm going to do this one for my blog. ^_^
    Thank's for sharing!

    1. I hope you do. Let me know so I can come check it out! I loved it when I saw it over at Chuckles! =)

  4. Yea! Glad to see you play! I loved the early Alex Cross books but the series just got too long to keep up with for me. I really enjoyed Bait. Would enjoy a follow up!

    1. Yes, there are a ton of Alex Cross but JP has been branching out a lot so we shall see. =)

  5. Really fun activity to do, definitely nice books


Thank you so much for stopping in! I hope your find some books to stack your shelf with! =)
Please leave a comment - I love them!


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