Saturday, April 21, 2018

#Giveaway & #BookTour - #Excerpt of The Phoenix Cycle by Bob Collopy!! @SDSXXTours @bobcollopy #books #win #booklovers

The Phoenix Cycle
Bob Collopy

Genre: Dystopian

New San Francisco is the last city standing on a world ravaged by storms
of ash and debris. The city survived by putting the ideals of the
American dream on steroids and inspiring its people to persevere,
though they have become ruthless in the process. Its citizens are
ruled by the General, who has made sure that his people understand
that gentleness and pity have become weaknesses that nature no longer

Now Steve and Leslie must choose whether they will apply for the
General’s once in a lifetime opportunity to “Rise from the Ashes”
and join the Inner Circle that rules the city. If they don’t, they
will be damned to spend the rest of their lives in the ghettos of
Edingburg, a place where virtual reality has become a
government-subsidized addiction.

For Steve, the choice is easy. His loyalties lie with the IRA, a
revolutionary army led by a voice only known as “Mom.” They are
trying to overthrow the General and free the people of New San
Francisco from the cruelties of the City Guard. Steve’s mission is
to broadcast a recording of a speech that a famous philosopher died
to tell. Many thousands have and will perish to get this message out,
but is anyone willing to listen?


My Diary?
Journal Entry #3
I guess I should make something clear to you. I only write this because I know
this diary isn’t actually personal and I‘d hate to ruin your reading experience, you
lying piece of shit.
With the passage of time people come and people go. That I can deal with. The
only thing that's passed me by that truly hurts are the people who never came.
Part of me is sorry. Another enraged. I have so many years left. It seems like I’ll
never run out. But somehow, on that single day, I lost an entire lifetime. And no
matter what I do...I can never get it back.
I just want you to know. I blame myself for not stopping you. For not putting you
in this cage instead the other way round. But at this point it really doesn’t matter
who enchains who. It doesn’t matter that you’re now the master and I’m the slave.
We’re both miserable and nothing we do to each other can ever change that. This
fight we’re having, this hatred for you that still keeps me warm at night, it’s all just
a distraction from the fact that we both failed to sculpt this world into something
resembling the beautiful.
For now, I think it’s best I tell our story. Perhaps once I tell it to ourselves, we will
finally get from our actions what our soul really wanted: transcendance. Don’t
scoff, allow me this final ember of hope.
This next part is the only truth I’ve found from what we’ve done to each other and
to our world. It is important to remember it always.
I am not made of one, I am made of many.
Each and every person is made up of many smaller people. Everyone has a
saint. Everyone has a lover. Everyone has a sinner. Everyone has a monster.
What defines us is not what people we have within us, but which people we
develop most and how great those people become.

Bob Collopy was raised on southern values. A world of rigidity and blind
faith. He was then 
moved to Sedona. A near cult like world,
grown from 1960's flower children. He was then moved to
Scottsdale. A world of extreme wealth and vice. He then went to
college and joined a 
fraternity so notorious it was on national and world news multiple times.
Due to these shifts, Bob always found himself the the semilucid observer;
constantly confused 
and adjusting to new and opposing sets of norms few cultures would ever
call normal or even acceptable.
The city Bob has created is a blending of these intense and opposing
cultures and the people 
trying to survive and conquer them.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


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