Wednesday, July 3, 2019

#Western #Wednesday - Stepdad Surprise by Caroline Lee!! #Free on #Amazon!! #holiday #July4th #Romance #books #freebie #kindle #booknerds

Title: Stepdad Surprise
Author: Caroline Lee
Genre: Western, Romance, Holiday
Length: 107 pages
Series: River's End Ranch Book 53

Book Description:

This Fourth of July, there's all sorts of fireworks at River's End Ranch!

A year ago, Jackie Novak looked into the eyes of her infant daughter and made the decision to run. She's spent months hiding at River's End Ranch, hoping and praying her violent ex won't track them down. There's certainly no space for romance in her life, not with sweet little Kalli Jo taking up all her love
and attention.

But someone surprising is waiting for her to notice him.

Cooper Weston might be an all-American sweetheart, but he's had a crush on Jackie since he came back to the ranch to work near his family. She thinks they're just friends, but with a little effort on his part, he should be able to convince Jackie she's worthy of a real man's love.

With the Fourth of July celebrations heating up, it's looking like little Kalli might get a new stepdad... Until an unpleasant surprise threatens to ruin everything. 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

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Happy Reading!


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