Thursday, January 31, 2019

#BookTour #Excerpt & $10 #Giveaway for The Tempted Series by B. Truly!! @BrandyTruly #Romance @lolasblogtours #books #bookworms #WIN

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This is my stop during the book blitz for The Tempted Series by B Truly. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 28 January till 10 February. See the tour schedule here.

Temptation Trials RevolutionTemptation Trials Revolution (The Tempted Series #1)

By B Truly

Genre: Dystopian Romance

Age category: New Adult

Release Date: July 13, 2018

There are always two sides to a story. Can love withstand the ultimate temptation?

A new Regime has arisen from the havoc and destruction of World War III.

Society now has to follow the strict mandates, reign under the dictatorship of His Highest Eminence or suffer the consequences.

Tobias and Kincade are part of a cryptic organization that’s trying to uncover the secrets behind the Regime. Something is suspicious with the new world order—why else would they want to control the most powerful emotion of love? With mandatory arranged marriages at the age of twenty-one, the only way to fight for love is through the Temptation Trials—a government-sponsored reality TV show.

Kincade and Tobias know the rules, but after they meet the women of their dreams, they face a difficult decision. With their impending birthdays around the corner, the guys have to decide if they will bend to the Regime’s will or fight for their relationships.

Lust, mistaken for love, will lead down a treacherous path. They soon learn that the spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak.

Can love redeem them or is lust too tempting?

This book can be read before or after Temptation Trials Part I. Find out the guy’s POV in a new story that unravels through the Trials.

You can find Temptation Trials Revolution on Goodreads

You can buy Temptation Trials Revolution here on Amazon

Temptation Trials RebellionTemptation Trials Rebellion (The Tempted Series #2)

By B Truly

Genre: Dystopian Romance

Age category: New Adult

Release Date: November 30, 2018


Can love defeat the greatest temptation ... lust?

In a post-apocalyptic nation where the land of the free is now run under a dictatorship, there is one factor that holds the key to keeping world order—love. The new Regime controls the emotions of the heart. It’s their most vital law. At the age of twenty-one, every citizen is forced into an arranged marriage. The only way to escape the arrangement is to enter the Temptation Trials—a government-sponsored reality TV show where the loyalties of the contestants are tested by Tempters and Temptresses who are impossible to resist.

Catalina enters the Trials as a Temptress in hopes that she can win the funds to save her brother. Sahara’s been ridiculed in the eyes of the public. By being a Temptress, she’ll be able to have a fresh start. The Regime promises that if she fulfills her role on the show they will wipe her slate clean.

The problem is that the Trials are rigged for failure. In all the prior seasons, love’s rival, lust, has proven to be more powerful. No contestant has ever won the Temptation Trials and be allowed to stay with their chosen partner. Lutheran Eminence, the world’s dictator, has shown that he’s the ultimate matchmaker.

As the Temptation Ball approaches, conflict is at an all-time high. Most couples are too hurt by betrayal to reconcile. With the odds stacked against them, Kincade and Tobias try to mend their relationships, hoping that the greater good will prevail.

Attempting to uncover the true meaning of love may cost the contestants more than they bargained for—it may cost their souls.

You can find Temptation Trials Rebellion on Goodreads

You can buy Temptation Trials Rebellion here on Amazon

Chapter 7 (Excerpt)
* * * Cade * * *

Behind me, I heard a grunt, followed by a thud. Whipping my head around, I saw the

lawman on the ground, knocked out. Cali stood with a rock in her possession. She had knocked

him over the head. I couldn’t help but stare at her, speechless.

She impressed the hell outta me. My hero. “I knew I liked you. That was dangerous, but

brave.” Cali’s forehead wrinkled. Leaning down, I picked up his weapon. “He’s not dead,” I

said, wondering if that’s what she was worried about. “His chest is moving. We gotta go,


She sighed. I took her hand again, and we took off through the weeds. I spotted some of the

others as we made headway. Not long after, the vehicles appeared in the distance—two black

trucks, two SUVs, and vans—good thinking on their part to provide extra cars for other inmates

who’d made a run for it. Escapees were diving into them. I led us to an SUV. Rafi had left the

door open. We lunged into the backseat. One of the vehicles took off like a speeding bullet.

Enforcers were still in pursuit, running in our direction. Another guy and chick jumped into the

truck with us, followed by Winston from my team, and then Eric hauled ass. Our heads jerked

backward. Gunfire ignited from behind us, shattering the windshield. The woman next to me

screamed—Cali ducked, whimpering. I held her close to me. More shots followed as we picked

up speed.

“Everyone, stay down,” Eric ordered. He swerved around the corner so fast, the momentum

slung us together. Rafi sat in the passenger seat, and his head slammed into the side window.

“Shit, Eric!” Rafi complained.

“Sorry, man. You wanna knot on your head or your head blown off?” asked Eric. Rafi

remained silent. After a few more turns, Eric asked, “Is anyone hit?”

No one was, but I hated to think about if anyone who tried to escape had lost their lives. Cali

looked through the busted rear windshield. The air rushing in made her shiver. I pulled her

tighter into my embrace. She didn’t seem to mind. Wanting to know how she was holding up, I

asked, “Hey, you okay?”

“I’m shaken … relieved we made it.”

This had been a wild adventure. She had every right to be rattled. Every few minutes, she

looked around. Now that it seemed everything would be okay, I decided to tease Cali—distract

her from her worries. I chuckled. “Relax, we’re in the clear.”

“Easy for you to say. The way you fought that enforcer, you’ve had some sort of training.”

“Yeah, some. I’ve never been in a combat situation, though.” I thought about how she came

to rescue me—very admirable. I just hated that she put herself in danger for me. “You didn’t

listen to me, anyway. I’m glad that you weren’t hurt.”

She shrugged. “Looked like you needed a hand.”

“Thank you for helping.”

“You’re welcome. You came back for me, remember. So now we’re even.”

Rafi laughed. “That’s a damn shame a woman had to help you, Cade.”

“Bite me.” I grinned—Eric chuckled. “We’re almost at our destination,” I told her, eyeing

the chick and dude in the truck with us. I’d already spilled the beans to Cali. Better to not let

anyone else know more than they had to. “I’ll fill you in and answer any questions you have

once we arrive.”

Cali nodded. The woman and guy who’d escaped with us didn’t seem interested in what we

were saying. They were having their own private conversation, speaking in hushed voices. Cali

leaned her head against my shoulder, and I was in hog heaven.


B TrulyAbout the Author:

B. Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old and is grateful to have accomplished this dream. She has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She’s addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of action and sci-fi. She writes New Adult and Adult, Romance. Sci-fi, Dystopian, and Paranormal genres.

B. Truly likes to explore different elements of sci-fi romance, and create various realms of reality. She also loves creating impossible situations for her characters to grow from and try to overcome.

B. Truly has three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person that she is today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound Technologist in Houston, Texas.

You can find and contact B Truly here:

- Facebook

- Twitter

- Goodreads

- Amazon


There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of The Tempted Series. Two winners will win each a $10 Amazon gift card and an e-copy of either Temptation Trials Revolution or Temptation Trials Rebellion (winner’s choice). US Only.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

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  1. Nice cover. This sounds like an interesting story. Thanks for sharing.


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