Tuesday, July 9, 2019

#Teen #Tuesday - Leftover Girl by C.C. Bolick!! #Free on #Amazon!! #YA #kindle #Mystery #Romance #SciFi #freebie #books #bookworms

Title: Leftover Girl
Author: C.C. Bolick
Genre: YA, Mystery, Romance
Length: 281 pages
Series: Leftover Girl Book 1

Book Description:

Found on a dark highway with no memory...

At fifteen, Jes is no stranger to being the new kid. She's never stayed in one town long enough to make a true friend. When the latest move lands them in her adopted mom's hometown, her life quickly becomes a series of lies.

No one can know about the people who abandoned her. Or how she's starting to remember that night. Then there's the guy she's falling for, off-limits for more than one reason...

Jes pushes everyone away, until she meets a strange new student with secrets of his own. He's searching for a missing girl who just might be her. As Jes will learn, truth comes at a cost, but will she give up love to find out?

"Loved this book. I'm not normally into science fiction but this book was hard to put down." ~ Amazon Reviewer

"The book has a hint of romance, adventure and friendship and I loved it all through. Can't wait to read the sequel."~ Amazon Reviewer

Books In This Series:

Leftover Girl
Secrets Return
Prison of Lies
Illusion of Truth
Fate of War 

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Happy Reading!


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