Saturday, June 29, 2019

#Super #Saturday #BoxSet - The Mine Series by Janeal Falor!! #Free on #Amazon!! #YA #Fantasy #kindle #ComingofAge#books #bookworms #readers #freebie

Title: The Mine Series
Author: Janeal Falor
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Coming of Age 
Length: 674 pages 
Series: Mine Series Book 1 & 2

Book Description:

In a world where only men have magic and women are sold off for how much magic is in their blood, two sisters fight against the oppression.

You Are Mine

Serena knows a few simple things. She will always be owned by a warlock. She will never have freedom. She will always do what her warlock wishes, regardless of how inane, frivolous, or cruel it
is. And if she doesn’t follow the rules, she will be tarnished. Spelled to be bald, inked, and barren for the rest of her life—worth less than the shadow she casts.

Then her ownership is won by a barbarian from another country. With the uncertainty that comes from belonging to a new warlock, Serena questions if being tarnished is really worse than being owned by a barbarian, and tempts fate by breaking the rules. When he looks the other way instead of punishing her, she discovers a new world. The more she ventures into the forbidden, the more she learns of love and a freedom just out of reach. Serena longs for both. But in a society where women are only ever property, hoping for more could be deadly.

Mine to Spell

Cynthia has always hidden from her father’s hexes behind her older sister. When her family gains independence unheard of for women, she’s relieved that her days of harsh punishments are over. But as her seventeenth birthday approaches—the typical age to be sold to a new master—death threats endanger her sisters. She now faces two options: run or meet society’s expectations.

For once, Cynthia isn’t going to let her older sister shield her from the problem. She’s going to prove to herself, her sisters, and society that her family isn’t a threat to their traditions. She willingly chooses to be purchased by a new master. A bold step that takes her somewhere she never thought she would go and to a man she might possibly fall in love with. With his help, she may just find a way to save her sisters while discovering how to stand up for herself. If she lives long enough. 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

Happy Reading!


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