Saturday, June 22, 2019

#Super #Saturday #BoxedSet - Sei Assassin #Thrillers by T.Y. Hutchinson!! #Free on #Amazon!! #Mystery #Suspense #kindle #freebie #books #booklovers

Title: Sei Assassin Thrillers
Author: TY Hutchinson
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Suspense
Length: 742 pages

Book Description:

Get the first three thrillers in the action-packed series.

They used her daughter as bait. They messed with the wrong mother.

Meet Sei. She abandoned her life as a deadly assassin to try to find peace—but when contacted by a source claiming to have information about the daughter she thought she’d lost, Sei finds herself taking on one last
mission. Can she unravel the truth before time runs out?

What Amazon readers are saying:

★★★★★ I never thought I would be cheering on an assassin, but it's hard to not love this character.

★★★★★ I had fun trying to guess Sei's next move. I was never correct.

★★★★★ Hard to imagine how this author created a character so clever, intelligent and gifted. And a woman, no less.

★★★★★ Assassins may not be the best people in the world, but Sei makes you root for the best for her. 

★★★★★ Drama, mystery, and a hard punch from the beginning.

★★★★★ One of the best books I've read on Kindle.

★★★★★ Characterization is fantastic; story is very engaging, and excellent plot.

★★★★★ I love a book that reads like I've just watched an action movie.

★★★★★ Definitely a killing machine but with a moral compass.

★★★★★ A multifaceted character that draws sympathy.

★★★★★ Love, Love, Love this series.

★★★★★ I usually don't read books about assassins, but I'm looking forward to reading the rest.

★★★★★ I can't help but admire and root for the petite female Asian assassin.

★★★★★ Read it in 1 day!

Buy the box set, and start a series you won't ever want to put down. 

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

Happy Reading!


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