Friday, June 21, 2019

#BookTour #Excerpt & $40 #Giveaway for Flobella by Altheta G.D. Waverly!! #MG #Fantasy @SDSXXTours #books #booklovers #WIN

Adventures in the Creative Idea Dimension
Altheta G.D. Waverly

Genre: MG Fantasy 

Flobella is a creatress but doesn't know it.

Orphaned when she was four, twelve-year-old Flobella now lives a sad, drab
life with her cruel aunt and uncle. Only painting and the
maybe-memory of a woman who might be her mother hugging her in a
purple garden makes her feel alive. But one day while painting, the
swirl of colors begins to lift off the page, revealing a tiny fairy
named Mumu whom Flobella follows through the spiral into the Creative
Idea Dimension, a land of imagination and ideas.

When Flobella misses her opportunity to exit the spiral, the only way home
is to follow the creative path to a gold door and Evo, a wise man who
lives beyond the door and can help her find her way.  Along her
fantastical journey, she meets an array of magical creatures, each of
whom presents a different creative path. But in a world of
possibilities, she must find her own way, and the
ruminudgies will do anything to stop her from fulfilling her destiny,
as the dimension of creativity hangs in the balance…

An inspired and creative adventure awaits in an imaginative
Alice-in-Wonderland-like fairy-tale world—where mysterious gardens,
dark forests and magical fields are populated with wizards,
talking ladybugs, white idea birds, a quantum kitty, andTimette, a
lavender tea-loving time guide, and more—in this exciting
first book in the Adventures in the Creative Idea Dimension series by
debut author Altheta G.D. Waverly.

A buzzing noise, Flo pictured to be coming from calm bees, filled the room and seemed to be coming from the right corner. In the corner, there was a small desk with a large book on top, opened to its center page. Flo’s eyes widened as she looked at the book because the pages of the book seemed to be glowing with sparkling dust, starry dots, and streaks of glittering light just above the pages. Flobella started to move towards the glowing book when she was startled by a stern voice.

“You have one hour before you need to return home,” the voice said.

“Huh?” Flo said with a startled gasp.

“One hour, 60 minutes, 3600 seconds, no more, no less, tick, tock, tick, tock. When my left eye reads 5pm you must go. Don’t read my right eye. That is not your time. Your time is in my left eye. When the big hand is pointed towards the 12 and the little hand is pointed towards the 5, you’ll take your leave. You must skedaddle and skedaddle you must. This is just our initial meeting and it’s perfectly timed with the spiral alignment so we only have a short time.” The woman with the strange eyes commanded.

The woman had short blond hair with bangs and was wearing a white button down mid-length dress, cinched in at the waist with a purple belt. She had a pretty face but when Flobella looked at where her eyes should be, there were none. Instead she had clocks. Each clock had a different time and the clock on the left seemed to be moving much faster than the one on the right. The clocks were white and grey with a purplish hue, and seemed to light up and darken as the woman spoke. One clock had the numbers one through twelve on its face while the other had 12 strange symbols on its face. Both had two hands each, one hand shorter than the other.

Flobella just stood there staring, not knowing what to make of the woman with the clock eyes. After a while she finally asked, “Who are you?”

“My name is Timette and I’m the keeper of time in this dimension,” said the woman with the clock eyes.

“Dimension?” Flo asked, nervously eyeing her surroundings. “I’m in another dimension?”

“Oh yes, you most certainly are,” Timette confirmed.

“No, no, this must be some sort of dream,” Flobella said.

“I assure you, this is not a dream. You aren’t sleeping, yet all dreams do start here.”

“If this isn’t a dream, then where am I?” Flobella snapped.

Timette walked over to Flobella took her hand and led her over to a small white tufted chair and said, “Sit down for a moment. You must be tired after your long trip.”

Flo sat down in the comfy chair across from Timette while grabbing a needlepoint floral pillow that was on top of the cushion and hugged it, letting out a sigh.

Timette picked up a silver teapot with a horizontal glass cylinder that looked like a silvery glass Dachshund standing on the shiny tray. She poured two cups of lavender tea and put a lump of sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon in each one.

“Here you go Flobella,” Timette offered, “a spot of tea to settle you down.”

“Am I to be like Alice, and grow or shrink in size if I drink this?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s my best tea! I’ll take the first sip.”

Timette brought the teacup up to her mouth and took a sip.

“See, just some wonderful lavender tea,” Timette explained, as she set down her teacup back onto the tray.

Flobella took the small glass teacup with the steaming tea in her hand, brought it up to her mouth, and took a small sip. As the tea traveled down her throat, Flo anxiously waited for something to happen. However, Flo realized it was in fact just some very refreshing lavender tea.

“Thank you, Timette, this tea is delicious,” Flobella said while staring at the purple buds swirling with the unfurled tea leaves in the excited water.

“It’s the best lavender tea in any dimension if I do say so myself. It took me eons to create it. If you play your cards right Flobella, I may even share the recipe with you.”

“It’s delicious,” said Flo. “Now, where am I, exactly?”

“You’re in the Creative Idea Dimension (CID),” Timette responded. “The land of imagination and ideas.”

Altheta G.D. Waverly created Flobella's Adventures in the Creative Idea
Dimension to immerse the reader in a creative landscape. She lives
with her family (a mini creative collective) in a garden state not
too far from the ocean and loves to visit lavender groves.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!


  1. Replies
    1. I hope you get a chance to enjoy it Sandra!


  2. Replies
    1. Fanastic Julie! It's filled with all sorts of creative secrets.

  3. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    The book cover is very attractive!

    1. You're welcome and thank you very much Mindy!

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it Victoria! Lots more like it in the story!

  5. The book sounds great and I love the bright, simple cover Ashley c
    Addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  6. The story sounds very imaginitive.

  7. Cool cover and the story looks very interesting!

  8. I like the cover, sounds like a great read.

  9. Replies
    1. If you like the cove, I'm sure you'll enjoy the story!


  10. This book sounds like a fantastic read.

    1. Hope you get a chance to enjoy it, Debbie!


  11. I don't care for the cover. The line under the title mentions "adventures" and "creative ideas" and the cover doesn't reflect either one.

  12. Sorry you don't care for the cover, Jayne. However, if you read the story, you won't be disappointed in terms of creative ideas or adventures and you will see that the cover is the portal to the dimension and gives a glimpse of the creative dimension. I have researched creativity for years and I have been asked by creativity researchers as to my creative process because my ideas are so original. The concept of a Creative Idea Dimension is "the original idea" that all the other ideas weaved throughout the book spring from.


  13. I think the cover looks really good, very unique.

    1. Glad you like it Amy. The story is unique as well and packed with creative ideas.


  14. I really love the cover!!


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