Sunday, March 31, 2019

#Sunday #Roundup of #Books #Week #64!! #SuicidePrevention #BrokenHearted

Sunday Roundup #64!!

This Sunday is about Remembrance

This post is dedicated to my sister.

One year ago today my sister took her own life.
She lost the battle with her mind and thought the best thing to do was to end her own life. May she have found the peace she was never able to find in this life. 

Suicide is real, it's a problem, and we need to start talking about it. Start with your kids. Give them hope. Tell them stories of how this affects a family. How mental illness is a disease. How much and many people love them. How special they are no matter what. How it is real, how they can get help if they need it. HELP THEM. 

There is not a day that she is not in my mind and heart. I miss her terribly. My daughters miss her. We needed her. I hope she knew how much we loved her. I still can not think of her without crying. 

I love you sister. I love you. 

Please if you know someone who is thinking of Suicide, please get them help. 


  1. My thoughts are with you today Mary *hugs*

  2. I am so sorry, Mary. I know this is such a hard day for you, but thank you for getting the awareness out there.

  3. All my love and hugs for you on this sad day Mary!

  4. ((HUGS)) to you on this difficult day.

  5. Oh thank you for sharing something so personal, but also, as you say, so important for others to hear.

  6. I am so, so sorry. My thoughts and hugs for you.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  7. Mary love you girl. You and your family are in my thoughts. Thank you for sharing photos. She is beautiful.

  8. I’m so sorry for your loss, thankyou for sharing your message.

  9. My heart goes out to you. I have had suicide in my family also and feel your pain. Thanks for sharing.

  10. My heart hurts for your loss, Mary. I simply cannot imagine losing one of my sisters. What a gaping hole would be left in my life. :( {{hugs}}

  11. What a lovely tribute to your sister. My family has been rocked by suicide as well and I understand the after effects for those left behind. Hugs

  12. Oh Mary, I'm sorry. I can only try to imagine what you're going through.


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