Wednesday, February 13, 2019

#Western #Wednesday - Emma's Dream by M. Lee Prescott!! #Free on #Amazon!! #romance #kindle #books #contemporary #freebie #booklovers

Title: Emma's Dream
Author: M. Lee Prescott
Genre: Western, Romance, Contemporary 
Length: 298 pages
Series: Morgan's Run Book 1

Book Description:

A woman is the last thing on Ben Morgan’s mind as he comes home to Morgan’s Run, his family’s ranch in Saguaro Valley. Doctor’s orders, he’s home to heal, but the sooner he can get back to Santa Barbara, the better. Then he runs into Maggie Williams on Main Street, prompting vivid memories of a magical night, and Ben’s ailing heart skips a beat. 

Father of her beloved five-year-old daughter, the eldest of the Morgan sons is the last person Maggie expects to have crash into her car and back into her
life. For years, she has struggled to forget him and to make a life for herself and her daughter, Emma, the mirror image of a father, who is unaware of her existence. Now, here he is, looking more gorgeous than the day he ran out of town. Maggie swears Ben Morgan will never break her heart again.  

Get it on Amazon
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Happy Reading!


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