Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Can't Wait #Wednesday...Waiting for...A Danger to Herself and Others by Alyssa Sheinmel!! @AlyssaSheinmel #books #YA #MentalHealth #WOW @SourcebooksFire #CWW #bookworms #booknerds #booklovers

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally, they're books that have yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. If you're continuing with WOW, feel free to link those up as well! Find out more here.

Title: A Danger to Herself and Others
Author: Alyssa Sheinmel
Genre: YA, Mental Health
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Publication Date: February 5, 2019


Only when she’s locked away does the truth begin to escape… 

Four walls. One window. No way to escape. Hannah knows there's been a mistake. She didn't need to be institutionalized. What happened to her roommate at her summer program was an accident. As soon as the doctors and judge figure out that she isn't a danger to herself or others, she can go home to start her senior year. In the meantime, she is going to use her persuasive skills to get the staff on her side.

Then Lucy arrives. Lucy has her own baggage. And she may be the only person who can get Hannah to confront the dangerous games and secrets that landed her in confinement in the first place.

Why it's my Can't Wait Wednesday:

I love that this is about mental health and teens. Maybe because I am going through things with my own daughter. We feel like this isn't talked about enough in schools or in peoples houses. I am really interested in reading this.  

What is your CWW this week?


  1. The most interesting thing about this book is that it's more about Hannah coming to terms with her illness than it is about her illness. Does that make sense?

  2. There is certainly a lot more kids and YA books dealing with these important issues which is great. Anything that gets young people talking about these things and finding it easier to ask for help.

  3. Great pick, Mary. I think there need to be more books about mental health, especially for teenagers!

  4. This one has me really curious! I want to know more about Hannah's story now (and Lucy's).


Thank you so much for stopping in! I hope your find some books to stack your shelf with! =)
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