Monday, February 4, 2019

#BlogTour #Excerpt & $10 #Giveaway for Not Far From the Peach Tree by Sabrina Falk!! @sfalkbooks #NA #ComingOfAge @chapterxchapter #books #booklovers #WIN

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Not Far from the Peach Tree
by Sabrina Falk
Publication Date: February 1, 2019
Publisher: Peasantry Press

Anxiety has become the only thing Abigail Hartley can count on. Jobless, dreamless, loveless and stuck living with her parents—this isn’t the 22 she had in mind.

But when tragic news rattles the Hartley household and years of secrecy begin to surface, Abigail can no longer hide behind her fears. She joins forces with her sarcastic, pre-teen sister and heads to the only place that might have the answers she’s looking for. One month in Georgia is all it takes to change everything Abigail knows about, well, everything.


“What do we do?” Maddy’s looking for an answer I just don’t have.

“Nothing. This isn’t our problem.” That’s not true at all, but I don’t know how else to deal with this. All I’ve learned from my parents is how to sweep things under the rug and ignore the lumps. I feel anxious and heavy. My fingers fidget around Elvis, then drum for an answer.

I look over at my closet. Should I do it? I have to; I can’t think.

“Just give me a minute.” I head for the closet, still cradling Elvis in my arms.

I step into the empty space—at least all that packing was good for something—and sit with my back against the wall. I wriggle my fingers under the door, then slide it shut as Maddy’s confused face disappears.

Maddy huffs and my bed squeaks beneath the fall of her defeated body. I look down at Elvis. I know he’d be happier back in his sunspot, but he seems content enough in my arms. A deep purr rattles through his chest, which heaves in and out against mine.

This is my quirk. A quirk I developed in childhood and haven’t been able to shake. I suppose I stressed over things that didn’t bother most children. I’ve always been an over-thinker and this is my thinking space. I need the solitary, the quiet, and the walls that are so close they feel as if they’re hugging me. Only here in the darkness, without any distractions, can I formulate my thoughts.

What is this secret? What did Mom lose because of Grandma? And why is this Miller guy calling Grandma’s situation an unusual case? Even with Mom hating Grandma’s guts, I’d still think she’d want to go through her childhood belongings. There might be something worth keeping in there. At the very least, something with an ounce of sentimental value. It just doesn’t add up.

I need to know what happened between the two of them, and the only clues I have are about to slip through my fingers.

That’s it! Elvis writhes around in my arms as I push the closet door open with my feet. He bolts free.

Maddy sits up. “Well?”
“Pass me my phone.”
Maddy grabs the cell on my nightstand and tosses it to me. “Who are you calling?”

“The lawyer.”

“What? Why?”
“’Cause I’m going to Georgia.”


Sabrina Falk is a Canadian Writer from Southern Manitoba. She received an English Language Arts scholarship at NCI in her graduating year. She is also the co-creator of Matt Falk’s Awful Podcast and played Melissa in the World Vision tour of POOF across Manitoba. She loves traveling all over the world with her family, but Southern Manitoba has always been her home.

Not Far from the Peach Tree is Sabrina Falk’s debut novel.

Giveaway Details:

  • $10 USD Amazon gift card


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