Wednesday, January 23, 2019

#Western #Wednesday - Loving the Horseman by Davalynn Spencer!! #Free on #Amazon!! #kindle #Romance #Clean #books #bookworms #freebie

Title: Loving the Horseman
Author: Davalynn Spencer
Genre: Western, Romance, Clean
Length: 166 pages
Series: The Canon City Chronicles Book 1

Book Description:

Revised second edition, first published in 2014 as The Cowboy Takes a Wife.

Copper-haired Annie Whitaker follows her father to mine-supply town Cañon City where they open their mercantile in the wake of the Pikes Peak gold rush. While serving her “potbellied biscuits” to mercantile customers, she falls under the lustful eye of the local hotel and saloon owner but does her best to avoid him. A mysterious cowboy also frequents the store and, like most everyone else, turns out to be much more than she expected.

One-time preacher Caleb Hutton has sworn off the pulpit and women, but Annie Whitaker’s warm smile and melt-in-your-mouth biscuits have drawn him up short. His experience with horses lands him a job at the livery until he can find work elsewhere. But his unexpected friendship with the Whitakers soon develops into more than he bargained for, and he wonders if maybe God led him to Cañon City for reasons he hasn’t yet discovered. 

Get it on Amazon
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Happy Reading!


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