Sunday, January 20, 2019

#Sweet #Sunday #Romance - Falling for the Bad Boy by Kennedy Fox!! #Free on #Amazon!! #books #comedy #booklovers #contemporary #freebie #kindle

Title: Falling For the Bad Boy
Author: Kennedy Fox
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Contemporary
Length: 246 pages
Series: Bedtime Reads Book 1

Book Description:

Never trust a man who answers the door wearing nothing more than a pair of low-cut jeans and a panty-melting smirk.

That should've been my first sign.

I write about guys like him for a living—sexy and charming, yet reluctant to get into a serious relationship. His body is the ultimate temptation, but his condescending personality makes him a classic bad boy.

And I want nothing to do with that.

Writing romance novels comes with its perks—traveling, meeting new people, creating characters from the voices in my head—but Ethan Rochester enters my life and rearranges my preconceived notions about writing what inspires you.

Meeting him was fate, but falling for him was inevitable.
And forgetting him will be impossible.
Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

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Happy Reading!


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