Friday, June 8, 2018

#Fantasy #Friday - Soul Storm by D.N. Erikson!! #Free on #Amazon!! #kindle #freebie #freebook #SciFi #Paranormal #reading #books

Title: Soul Storm
Author: D. N. Erikson
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-Fi
Length: 414 pages
Series: Eden Hunter Trilogy Book 1

Book Description:

I already died once.
I'm sure as hell not doing it again.

I thought life was bad reaping souls for my vampire prick of a boss. Then someone killed my old friend right outside my house and planted the gun under my floorboards. 

Which is when I learned life can actually get a whole lot worse. 
Now I have the FBI breathing down my neck, trying to put me in cuffs. But even worse threats lurk in the shadows of this miserable island city I'm forced to call home. And one rain goddess believes my crimes deserve the death penalty...

Get it on Amazon
Please make sure it is still free before you purchase it.

More in series:

Happy Reading!


  1. That is an eye-catching cover! I like paranormal stories about ghosts; haven't read one with vampires in a long time.

  2. Always looking for new authors. Thanks.

  3. The covers for the trilogy are interesting...I saw them on Goodreads at one point.

  4. Not bad, looks bright and cool book


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