On Tour with Prism Book Tours

(The Blue Bells Chronicles #5)
By Laura Vosika
Historical Time Travel, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 470 pagesBy Laura Vosika
Historical Time Travel, Fantasy
March 23rd 2018 by Gabriel's Horn Press
In the gripping conclusion to The Blue Bells Chronicles, just as Shawn is steadily regaining all he feared he had lost forever—his career, his son, and even Amy’s heart—he learns of MacDougall’s vengeance against Niall, for the act Shawn himself committed. He wrestles with a prophecy and an ancient letter that never changes, a letter that details the fate of his own son, if he cannot stop it—and possibly the fate of the world itself, as he learns of Simon Beaumont’s plan to use his knowledge of the future to destroy it.
Shawn’s selfishness once cost him everything. His newfound selflessness may do the same.
Simon Meets Eamonn Again
“Good to go home to your young bride, eh?” The man gave a wink as he waved for a stable boy.
Simon grinned. It felt odd and light on his face. Smiles, in his experience, had always been a deliberate tensing of muscles. This time, his features moved on their own, without his will, and his heart lifted, too.
“Cat’s got your tongue,” the man laughed. “She must be a fair delight to the eyes!” He slapped his horse on the rump and melted into the crowd, leaving Simon alone and feeling foolish in the midst of the courtyard, as more men poured through the gates.
Horses bustled around him, boys running to help with the work, soldiers pulling off helmets, drinking deeply of wine skins that monks, gliding in their brown robes in their midst, offered them. He patted his horse absently, thinking of Alice sitting in the window, her hair blowing in the sea breeze, and the wooden flute to her lips. He liked hearing her play. He liked the way her sleeves billowed and the way she looked up at him and lowered the instrument, smiling shyly when he came in.
“She is indeed fair.”
He thought at first it was his own words drifting through his mind.
“You could find great happiness with her.”
Simon’s eyes slowly focused. A tall, thin monk stood on the other side of his horse, drawing a brush over its coat, his head bent to the task and covered by his cowl.
“I am happy with her.” Simon almost jumped to hear his own words, spoken aloud. Shame flooded him abruptly, to be saying such things to a stranger. He was hardly behaving like the knight trusted by the great Longshanks, himself. “How do you know if she’s fair?” he demanded.
“You know your fate,” said the monk. “Should it comes to pass, you’ll not have long to be happy.”
Simon’s hands stilled on his horse’s shoulder. There had been a letter, back in Shawn’s time, penned to Douglas, telling of his death at the hands of Amy’s son. The horse twitched under his touch. “I make my own fate,” he said. “I know James is coming. I am ready for him. The letter shall change.”
Around him, the sounds of men and horses took on an oddly hollow sound.
“No.” The monk shook his head. “You’ll not escape your fate by killing James.”
“My fate,” Simon ground out, leaning over the horse’s back, “is to rule England, to reach this land across the ocean and rule it, too.”
“Your fate,” replied the monk, reaching for his cowl, “is to die at James’s hand, and the only way to escape that fate is to stop trying.” He pushed the cowl back.
Simon stared at Brother Eamonn, at his lined face and bright blue eyes, the few strands of white hair over his bald pate.
“Give yourself up to the love you feel,” the old monk whispered. “Let yourself be who you once were and could be again.” He leaned across the horse’s back, his eyes bright. “Be happy with Alice and give up this hatred, or you will surely die!” The horse twitched its tail.
“I will have the power I came for,” Simon hissed, “and I will live!”
“I’ll be at Monadhliath,” Eamonn said.
“No, you’ll die today!” Simon started around the animal.
Sounds of merriment hit his ears. A man bumped into him, laughing back over his shoulder, and spun, apologizing, hand to Simon’s shoulder. “My Lord Claverock, my apologies!”
“Unhand me!” Simon snapped, trying to push pass, to round the horse and reach Eamonn.
“Give yourself up to the love you feel,” the monk whispered. His blue eyes burned into Simon’s.
A stable boy pulled a horse in front of him, a war horse draped with its knight’s colors, yanking on its reins and snorting. Simon pushed its rump, pushed his own mount’s head, shoving around to the other side. Eamonn was gone!

About the Author

Laura Vosika is the author of the beloved series, The Blue Bells Chronicles, a tale of time travel, action and adventure, romance and redemption, ranging across modern and medieval Scotland. She runs Gabriel’s Horn Press, and is active in poetry as a member of the League of Minnesota Poets, routinely performing at local open mics. She has appeared in The Star Tribune, and on WCCO and Channel 12, and hosted Books and Brews with Laura Vosika on AM 950.
Tour Schedule
June 11th:
Bri's Book Nook
June 12th:
Among the Reads
Two Points of Interest
June 13th:
E-Romance News
Hearts & Scribbles
Rockin' Book Reviews
Andi's Book Reviews
June 14th:
Paulette's Papers
June 15th:
Becky on Books
June 18th:
Stacking My Book Shelves!
June 19th:
Daily Waffle
June 20th:
Mel’s Shelves
June 21st:
Koops Konclusions
June 22nd:
Teatime and Books
June 23rd:
Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway
Bri's Book Nook
June 12th:
Among the Reads
Two Points of Interest
June 13th:
E-Romance News
Hearts & Scribbles
Rockin' Book Reviews
Andi's Book Reviews
June 14th:
Paulette's Papers
June 15th:
Becky on Books
June 18th:
Stacking My Book Shelves!
June 19th:
Daily Waffle
June 20th:
Mel’s Shelves
June 21st:
Koops Konclusions
June 22nd:
Teatime and Books
June 23rd:
Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway

- l winner will receive a print copy of Blue Bells of Scotland (book one in the series) and a Team Shawn or Team Angus t-shirt (US only)
- 1 winner will receive an ebook of Blue Bells of Scotland (open internationally)
- Ends June 27th

I have not read these but it looks really good.