Tuesday, June 12, 2018

#BookBlitz #Excerpt & #Giveaway for Blessing of Luna by Blaise Ramsay!! @bramsayauthor @lolasblogtours #books #booktour #bookblast #booklovers #WIN #authors #paranormal #romance

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Blessing of Luna by Blaise Ramsay. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 11 till 17 June. See the tour schedule here.

Blessing of LunaBlessing of Luna (Wolf Gods #1)

By Blaise Ramsay

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Age category: Adult

Release Date: April 20, 2018


Damien Pierce wasn’t like normal people. Since he was young, he learned that he had the uncanny ability to heal himself almost immediately. At fifteen he astounded the small town of Big Timber, Montana when an SUV hit him only to find he survived the encounter without suffering any major injuries.

After moving away for ten years, losing his mother and slipping into a deep sense of depression, Damien’s father moves them back home in an attempt to give Damien a sense of normalcy.

Enter Jillian Styles, the immortal, beautiful lycan that has been looking for the soul of her long, lost lover who after many years of being reborn into new bodies, his soul simply vanishes into the tides of time. When Jill first sees Damien, she knows immediately he is the one she had been looking for.

When an old enemy begins re-igniting the flames of a centuries old war, Damien must come to grips with a cruel fact that he is not human while nurturing feelings for the beautiful woman who captured his affection.

Now Damien must delve deeper into the world of the supernatural with the help of the mysterious Alexander Kain and Jillian. He's about to learn, the secret sleeping within him is much more than he ever could have imagined.

You can find Blessing of Luna on Goodreads

You can buy Blessing of Luna here:

- Amazon e-copy

- Amazon Paperback

Blessing of Luna is available to read with Kindle Unlimited. A portion of the proceeds of each book sold will go to a charity.

The first five chapters are available to read for free are on Wattpad.


“Hello Damien, it is the sweetest of pleasures to finally get to meet you. You're even more stunning in person.” Her voice was as sensual as Jill's. Yet it was somehow darker, holding a slight accent Damien couldn't place.

The movements of her gorgeous hips were exaggerated as she walked right up to him, pressing her body against his. Her thigh meeting his groin as her hand ran down his side to rest on his hip.

Leaning her cheek in to rest on his chest, she sighed, the other she placed right next to her face.

“Do I know you?” Damien grew more uneasy as the hand on his chest moved down his side, pushing his shirt up so the woman could savor the muscles of his abdomen and chest.

The other moved down to his ass, squeezing it firmly enough to make Damien wince, hissing through his teeth.

“We haven't had the pleasure of meeting but I do know you, Damien. Your dog truly doesn't understand what a truly delicious treat she has.”

The woman leaned in close to his face, her breath hot with a clear desire. Her perfume smelled like one of those very expensive name brands. It was floral with a hint of vanilla wafted into his nose only to shift into an almost mellow hint of spice.

“What are you talking about? I don’t have a dog.”

Every nerve ending in his body told him he should try to get away from this woman. He could sense the same level of danger as the men in the alley. The encounter still left Damien with nightmares.

“Your lycan. The one you seem to be attracted to doesn't care about you, you know. She's only interested in her dead lover's soul you harbor inside your gorgeous body. I, on the other hand, could care less and would give you whatever you could possibly want.”

The woman’s hand was cold as ice as her finger ran over his lips, playfully flicking his lower lip just as Jill had. “I don't care about the soul inside of you like that mongrel or my father does. You're so beautiful, who would care? Come with me. I promise you would enjoy the high life like a noble in our coven does. No one would question you or I would tear their heads from their bodies.”

Damien closed his eyes, his jaw held tight. He didn’t want to let himself think about the idea that Jill only wanted him for being an incarnation of Lucius. He wanted to get to her and find out which one of them she saw when they were together.

“I appreciate the offer but I need to go. I have a friend expecting me.” He tried to get free of her only to have his wrists held firmly against the wall.

“Your dog, you mean? She can wait. I'm not done savoring my time with you.” Damien jumped as her seductive voice became dark and demanding. She moved his hands behind his back, using one of hers to hold him in place as she took his jaw. “I wonder if you taste as good as you look.”

Blaise RamsayAbout the Author:

FyreSyde Publishing owner and founder Blaise Ramsay worked over fifteen years in the graphic design industry, with some experience in indie gaming. Recently she shifted her attention to the world of literature with her debut paranormal romance series, Wolf gods. The debut title, Blessing of Luna is set to release in 2018. She currently lives in North Texas with her two children, her husband and pets. A UTD graduate with a Bachelor's in History with an intention on teaching, Blaise decided that the world of teaching just wasn't for her. A stay at home mother of two, business owner and self-publisher, Blaise loves to meet new people and encourage others to follow their dreams through weekly posts to her Instagram, twitter, Facebook and blog.

You can find and contact Blaise Ramsay here:

- Website

- Facebook

- Twitter

- Instagram

- Goodreads

- Amazon


There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Blessing of Luna. One winner will win both an e-copy and paperback copy of Blessing of Luna by Blaise Ramsay.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:


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